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October 30, 2023


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森普拉基金会直接知道如何投资项目来驱动 climate action and resilience, diversity and inclusion, and economic prosperity 努力有助于建设包容性经济,为所有人塑造更美好的未来. In its latest round of grants, 森普拉基金会自豪地选择了几个组织专注于 championing people through their own unique missions.

“At Sempra Foundation, 能够支持致力于举重的组织是一种荣幸 communities,” said Lisa Larroque Alexander, chair of the Sempra Foundation. “By working together to champion people, we can help create a better world where all people can thrive.”


A supportive education

The Monarch School 是圣地亚哥一所创新的公立学校,为无家可归的年轻人提供全人教育,是全国唯一一所这样的学校吗. 每天有近300名学生参加君主学校,并提供全面的教育,培养韧性,使学生能够影响自己的成长. Aside from earning their high school diplomas, 学生和他们的家庭也提供情感健康资源,帮助他们在学校之外茁壮成长.

“Unlike traditional school settings, 我们专注于解决我们的学生和他们的家庭面临的广泛的社会挑战,以稳定家庭状况为目标,同时提供模范教育,” Afira DeVries, Monarch School Project President and CEO, said. “For this reason, 从个案管理到心理健康支持,50多个校园可访问的社会护理干预措施必须通过我们组织从有爱心的社区投资者那里培养的私人资金来补贴. In short, Monarch School is only as successful as it is supported.”

A voice for children

Voices for Children is an organization that provides Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASAs) and other resources to children in foster care. casa通过一对一的外出和与家庭成员交谈来全面了解孩子的情况, caregivers, teachers and child welfare professionals. 然后,casa向法官提供信息,以便他们在对每个青少年做出决定时能够更好地了解情况, which ultimately creates a better life for the youth. 该组织的项目已被公认为美国顶级CASA项目.S.

“With the Sempra Foundation’s support, Voices for Children will supervise approximately 1,000 CASAs this year,” Jessica Muñoz, president and CEO of Voices for Children, said. “没有像森普拉基金会这样的基金会的慷慨支持, “儿童之声”无法做我们casa每天都在做的拯救生命的工作. 这笔拨款确保了更多的寄养儿童在需要的时候可以得到CASA的帮助.”

The inclusive workplace

Human Rights Campaign team members at an event boothThe Human Rights Campaign Foundation 旨在从根本上改变我们日常生活中对待LGBTQ+人群的方式. The organization creates impact through 13 programs and initiatives, 与个人和组织合作,为LGBTQ+人群的生活带来翻天覆地的变化.

Since 1998, HRC基金会的工作场所平等项目通过鼓励美国的工作场所,帮助实现了LGBTQ+的平等.S. and beyond. By educating corporate entities and benchmarking corporate practices, 人权基金会帮助激励雇主采取包容性的工作场所福利和保护措施,直接影响数百万LGBTQ+工人及其家庭的生活.

“Sempra基金会的支持强调了公司在加速LGBTQ+人群平等方面发挥积极作用的价值,” Shawnie Hawkins, director for the Workplace Equality Program at HRC Foundation, said. “For more than 20 years, 我们很自豪能与大公司合作,促进LGBTQ+在工作场所的包容. 未来十年,我们将继续为LGBTQ+员工和客户做出贡献.”

A world of art

The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston Learning & 口译部(MFAH)是同类部门中最大的一个 Art Resource Tour for Schools Program is the cornerstone of the Museum’s educational programming. 所有年龄的学生通过互动介绍到令人兴奋的艺术世界, participatory approach and curriculum-relevant experiences. By having the opportunity to explore art, 培养学生的认知技能是21世纪成功所必需的. The MFAH served approximately 40,000 students through school tours during the 2022–2023 academic year.

“我们非常感谢Sempra对博物馆学校参观项目的支持,” Caroline Goeser, W.T. and Louise J. Moran chair of learning and interpretation at MFAH. “From studies we’ve done over the years, 我们知道,一旦学生进入博物馆的沉浸式空间,这些经历就会唤醒他们的发现感和创造力, and that students remember their time here for years to come.”

A better life

Metropolitan Area Advisory Committee on Anti-Poverty (MAAC)是为所有圣地亚哥人提供综合社会服务的主要提供者之一,58年来一直致力于为整个地区的所有社区提供公平和正义. MAAC currently serves more than 100,5万个人和家庭每年在五个关键需求领域, education, health and well-being, housing, and advocacy and leadership development. In addition, MAAC为服务不足的年轻人提供奖学金,使他们能够进一步接受高等教育.

“我们从森普拉基金会得到的支持是这个奖学金项目成功的重要组成部分, providing 20 scholarships directly to the youth we serve,” Arnulfo Manriquez, president and CEO of MAAC, said. “The colibrí, or hummingbird (in English), 它超越了国界,每年从墨西哥迁徙到美国,象征着希望, perseverance, 还有个人的力量——我们的移民家庭在新的土地上寻求更大的经济流动性时所拥有的同样的原则.”

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